
gelatin silver

giclée snobs

By | photography

The term “inkjet print”, which is very matter-of-fact, sounds really plain and is no money-jerker obviously. The galleries liked “gelatin silver print” much better I suppose. After trying “Iris print” (better already, but has the annotation of industrial tryout or proof print, not the big seller either), someone must have thought of the beauty and snob appeal of the French language. He came up with the new name for the good old inkjet print and called it “giclée”… Genius. Giclée (notice the exotic accent adding some noblesse) means “squirt” in French. They have beautiful words for almost everything, I love French, and beautiful things. Having said that, I go for the gelatin silver if you don’t mind (no matter what you call it).

more photographs

By | photography

I’ve just been selecting photographs from the following series:  Paris (1970’s-1990’s), Egypt ( January-February 1989) and Periphery ( June-November 1991). Only “Periphery”, an assignment by the town of The Hague where I grew up on the eastern town border (autobiographical), was on my former website already, although the selection may be slightly different. The other two are new on the net. There’s more to come, e.g. gypsies, tattoo, jazz musicians, London, Barcelona and other cities… If you want to buy a personal favorite from these added or earlier photographs for your collection (reasonably priced signed gelatin silver prints 30×40 cm.), be welcome to email me. The 3 current series have been scanned and will be uploaded to my photosite www.tomstappers.com in the next few days, probably soon after Easter. Do visit, I think they’re interesting allright, and keep an eye on this blog. I will comment on my photography in several more posts to come!

limited edition

By | photography

Somebody wants to buy one of my photographs, but only if it is from a limited edition. I tell him I don’t do limited editions, and explain that it’s not in his interest either…
The buyer says he doesn’t want to pay the price if the photograph can be reproduced in theoretically limitless numbers. I explain that it would be absolute horror to me to have to manually produce a really large number of identical first-class prints, repeating every time all the darkroom corrections and retouching afterwards (we are talking about good old gelatin silver prints, archival and all). So suppose I make an edition of say 50 to make sure I have enough stock for the future, since I can’t exceed the limit, once set. Had the buyer not insisted, chances are that I will never ever make more copies of the wanted photograph than maybe 5, if it’s not an absolute superseller! So be honest, what would you prefer if you’re looking for exclusivity?